We got some exciting news for you! Our Bridgewater Candle Jars get a design update. Bridgewater Candle Company USA chooses for a sleek new minimal design that not only guarantees fast delivery times and more stock availability, but also to takes a step into a more environmentally friendly direction. How nice is that? What the new design looks like, what this means for your orders and more information about the background of this change.
Why does my Bridgewater Candle not have a logo on the jar anymore?
That`s the new Bridgewater Candle jar design 2022! From now on the glass will not have a logo printed on the front anymore. A new sleek and minimal look that not only looks great, but also makes an environmental impact and benefits logistics. But how?
Why a new design?
In the current times, all businesses face two big challenges, one is of course the global pandemic and the other one is the climate change. As big companies you need to make decisions, changes and plans that react to these problems. Creating a new look for the candle jars is one of these changes. But how does it help coping with the logistic challenges of Covid or the climate change exactly?
- On the one hand, a sleek look skipping the printed logo on the jar means: Less resources, less driving around and shipping candle jars back and forth to printing companies and less CO2 emissions. One production step can be a step into a greener future. It might be a small change, but everyone is starting somewhere and all together we can make a difference.
- On the other hand not printing the logo saves time, resources and production steps. In a world where we are still coping with delays of deliveries caused by the global pandemic effects, this can make a big difference! We always want you to be able to shop your favorite room fragrances at any times – because after all what would be a spring without “Spring Dress“, “Sweet Grace” or “Orange Vanilla“? Or the Christmas season without “Christmas Bliss“? Definitely not the same! So by saving one step in the production, we save the time bringing all jars to a printer so we can get your favorite room fragrance faster too you and make sure that the “currently out of stock” message will stay an exception.
What does that mean for me?
A design change like this always takes a bit of time. Of course the fragrance, quality, and everything else that we all love about our candles stays the same, so of course we won´t trash the current stock we have of the jars with a logo. That´s why, in the next few months, you might still receive jars with a logo, or maybe even get one with and one without if you buy more. This is normal in a transition time, but we guarantee, it won´t last too long.
Tip: If you have bought two jars and they come with and without logo, you can always turn the jar around to make them look the same.
Please note, this change of design only applies to candle jars, so our Candle Jar S and Candle Jar L. All other products are not affected by this change of design.
How do I know that my Bridgewater Candle is original?
With or without logo, Bridgewater Candles will always use the highest standards and high quality materials to produce your scented candles. Even without the logo on the front, the candle is original if it still has the card tag (with the name of the fragrance as well as information about the charity) and a sticker with information about ingredients etc. on the bottom. If you are not sure, you can always contact us at info@bridgewatercandles.nl